Audrey Kang
Avalanche's Mind Manipulator

Audrey Kang
Age; 25
Birthdate: June 1st
Laterality: Left Handed
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual

Audrey , the behind the scenes member of Avalanche had always been quiet and reserved. Though she has the face to be in someone's spotlight always has trouble publicly speaking or saying how she feels. Her best features is the secrets hidden behind her silver eyes and her alluring nature.

She's naturally gifted, and her thoughts move faster than she could. From her experience with watching old movies and taking characters and making it her own, she gets her nickname of manipulator from how easily she gets into character or position and never breaks out of it. She could sell you betrayal as beautiful as a baby's first laughter if it meant she gets what she needs in the end.

Fake it until the end and cry behind closed doors, is what she's used to. Audrey has tactical genius and is an important member to the Avalanche team.

Hi, it's Rosie Mun with another FFverse account.
Rosie Mun goes by they/them pronouns.
Is from New York
and is a 1997 baby, if you can't do the math on my age, then I'm probably too old for you, or you're really bad at math.
I make memes and I write to match or sometimes write much more.
Sorry if my english is atrocious, I speak usually in broken english and chinese.
If you need anything like a hug, more information or anything, do not be afraid to contact me okay, beautifuls?

...Not a lot, I promise.

-If you're a minor OOC, please do not interact.
-Will have very dark themes, I am not holding back my imagination anymore.
-Not really intending to ship with anyone, but if so, ship with Chem
-Lewd in the Dm, respecting ya timeline
-Will Write to Match, does not expect you to do the same, only because I write so much.


"Yes, I do, I believe
That one day I will be where I was
Right there, right next to you
And it's hard, the days just seem so dark
The moon, and the stars are nothing without you
Your touch, your skin, where do I begin?
No words can explain the way I'm missing you
Deny this emptiness, this hole that I'm inside
These tears, they tell their own story" -Sam Smith

Audrey, Midgar born- Wutainese. Grew up poor with nothing but dreams and aspirations and a repetoire for work. As her father worked hard for little money in Shinra's factories. Her mother took care of Audrey, and her older brother Damien. They truly had nothing but the skin on their back, and a metal roof over their head, with barely any food to eat and each other. Audrey spent her days going to school in the Leaf House while her brother would help their mother with common household tasks, and tried to find jobs raise a little gil to get them through for the month. Despite always wanting to help them, her family always told them to make the most of what she can and to live life that made her happy-- yet her happiness was with her family.

Growing older, she picked up some bad habits from miscreant friends, who taught her how to lie and steal, as she would some days steal from the market or pocket people's wallets since that seemed like the easiest way to make gil at the time. When she was caught by her brother for stealing from a plate side visitor near the Wall Market, her brother took her to the side to talk to her about the value of hard work. He told her,

"you won't find any satisfaction by taking shortcuts, even though they seem easier, you don't learn and thus you can not learn. Look at mom and dad, they work everyday to see that we are still alive, and that makes them so proud."

She kind of understood what he meant by that. Lying made her feel sick and stealing only got her in trouble. So she cleaned up her act and started doing things for her community to make parents and her brother proud. But inside of her, she found accomplishment-- which is what her brother was probably trying to tell her. But what she did not know was that this eluded to him joining SOLDIER. He was set on protecting his family and receiving pay to do so. He was in the assumption that this would do good for his family.

At the same while, Audrey had taken interest of performing art. After watching a street performance walking through Wall Market, she decided she wanted to be an actress as well. There, she would audition for a part of a play that would be put together and performed in front of the people of Midgar. Swallowing her fear of people in front of people, feeling as if she wasn't pretty to be a lead actress, not like the rest of the people who perform, she was going to leave. But due to some friends that she had met, Ava and Jessie, they accompanied her, and helped her with her auditions.

The day after her auditions, as she came home was her first encounter of Shinra, when something she has never seen-- not even sure if it was human or not, came up to her. It made her scared as she backed up into some other people in gear. She was turned away so she could not see what was happening.

"You're going to be alright, are you on your way home?"
She nodded her head, as she was escorted home. She was thankful of those SOLDIERs and politely thanked them for protecting her. Only knowing that her brother was one of those SOLDIER protecting Midgar and the people with it. But ever since that day, letters from her brother stopped coming.

Weeks after that, her friend Jessie, stopped coming to auditions. That's when Ava told her about this rebel group that was against Shinra and wanted to take down the mako reactors that are killing the people and killing the earth. Frankly, Audrey was a bit apprehensive about the group. It didn't seem right to join a rebel group that was against her brother, but it did feel weird that after that day, he never calls, nor texts or got mail for him. She ended up going to the next Avalanche Meeting.

She had learned about Avalanche and their goals and was now part of the team. She could not believe that this was Shinra's doing, that they would kill the world like this. So, their plan was to sneak into Shinra's building and get anything that they could to prepare for Shinra's next attack, get to the mako reactor as close as possible and get their hired merc to help them take it down. Since Audrey was an unfamiliar and unrecognizable face, the plan was her to infiltrate Shinra as a worker and get as much information as she could. From then, she would no longer be just Audrey, she would act her way into working for the Advance Weaponry Department.

Getting to this point took a lot of lying and manipulating others to believing that she had just been hired to be an intern and was working for Scarlet. This was not as hard as she thought for Scarlet went through people all the time. That she could just blend in all the while stealing information and getting it to Avalanche. That was when Scarlet noticed that she was working a little hard. Enough to get the woman's attention. In Scarlet's words, she was the least inadequate person in the department besides herself. Though that was never her plan, she blamed only her diligence on her family and was promoted to Scarlet's PA. Though she wanted to hate her, wanted to hate Shinra, she couldn't hate the people that she met there, the friends that she had, the SOLDIER she had met, the people who would walk by. But she was in too deep with Avalanche to quit. It started to bother her when she noticed a lack of her brother in Shinra as well. That was supposed to be here and she saw a lot more of not him, than anyone else.

So, one day, she took it on her own accord to slip down into Hojo's lab to take matters into her own hands before she went home. That's when she was caught by Hojo, laughing at her attempts to sneak and find information. She begged, just wanting to find out where her brother went, and so he just told her the truth and laughed in her face. But it was not like she was going to leave without consequences. So as an agreement, she would be his test subject in return for still working for Shinra under Scarlet's jurisdiction. The painful treatement made her feel tired and weak until she could no longer go on. Unable to tell others what's happening due to not wanting her secret to come out, she stopped showing up to Shinra and stopped asking questions. For Scarlet, she felt disappointment because she had so much faith in her. But Audrey only did Avalanche operations from the base where she would take Biggs' information and his plans and review them and help construct weapons to combat Shinra and their security drones.

IIt did not make her feel good one bit, but after a long while, that radio silence in her brain made her timid. She went back to living her regular life. Having experience in dance from her days auditioning for the Golden Saucer Theater, she landed a job for Andrea Rhodea as a choreographer. When one of the bees were injured from a ravaged fan, Audrey picked up for her. As Andrea saw how much untapped potential she had, they had many "beauty consultation sessions" and Andrea made Audrey a permanent honeybee.

Going back to Shinra was scary for her, but it felt weird for her to not go back without giving Scarlet a reason for leaving. She went to her ex-boss to tell her that she was sorry for leaving. Scarlet didn't have an angry expression on her face. She was relieved even though she may not say it openly that Audrey was back. But it was not as if she wanted to come back, not after her run in with Hojo. She just got sucked into that cycle of working for Shinra-- but Avalanche thought that was a wonderful idea. That maybe if she couldn't join in the physical stuff that she took down Shinra from the inside.


Was a creation by Avalanche but ran behind the scenes by Audrey to spread propaganda against Shinra, to get the public to turn against Shinra Electric Company. With borrowed equipment and help from her fellow slums, Audrey along with Tifa, Aerith and rest of Avalanche as her helping crew would report on how Avalanche were not just terrorists as Shinra media has depicted but a group that cares about the slums as well and not just the good side of Midgar, all sides of it. With hopes that it will only rip President Shinra apart from his relationships with the public but his interpersonal relationships as well.

However, after a while of going at it, learning more about Rufus herself, Audrey took this show and made it more not to tear someone apart like a tabloid but to show more of slums to see that there were people who cared about them and they weren't left just to die something that she had wish people would have told her and her family before when they had nothing. As the S5SN team were to grow, hiring new people to report the news as well as still having Aerith to do news reporting for her, Audrey became CEO to a news company that had gain a lot of revenue and publicity all over Gaia.

Once this was established, she'd let Ramona become her editor-in-chief and handle things as she does her own business doing things for the show behind the scenes as she always had been.


A news channel for Midgar.Founded as a ruse to thwart Shinra's plan has become a wholesome place where the Slums can find their daily news. This is the only successful company that runs independently from Shinra,

Shinra Weaponry and Technological advancements

As a way to infiltrate and get Shinra's information for Avalanche, Audrey worked as an intern for Scarlet. With the love and respect she had for Scarlet, who knew her secret but did not expose her, she rose up to Personal Assistant.

Golden Saucer
When Audrey was smaller, her dream was to be an actress. Though acting classes were very expensive, she would watch people rehearse from the theater. She was found one day in the back doing a performance by herself, and they hired her as an actress. During theatre season, she would perform

The Seventh Heaven
Tifa works here and this is where Avalanche usually congregates, to make up for having Avalanche meetings in the 7, she helps every sunday at the bar serving food.

As Avalanches' spy on the inside, she works with them to take down Shinra and their reactors from destroying the planet. This was decide after Audrey's brother passed away, she wanted her revenge.

Honeybee Inn
What once started as confidence classes by Andrea after the series of tragedies she had went through became a part time job, as she ended up being a honey dancer.